Ho, ho, ho !
After trying to get you in your kitchen to make a beautiful Christmas dinner let's go out to enjoy the London Christmas spirit!
During this time of the year, every city lights up and gives us the most magical atmosphere possible. In spite of the lack of snow, London surely gives a nice try to the Christmas feel. Have a walk on Oxford street, Carnaby street and of course Covent Garden.
Enjoy Harrod's window display making us feel as little children dreaming about fairy tales, princesses and spells.
But the best place remains Winter Wonderland! Hyde Park transformed in how Santa's city must look like (if he actually lives in Germany). Fancy a roller-coaster ride? Or are you more of a cosy mulled wine drinker? Crêpes? Have you always dreamed about going to Octoberfest?
Winter Wonderland is a funfair mixing everything said above and even more. If you are in the mood of getting an adrenaline shoot, the many many attractions will perfectly suit you. I am sure that you will find the perfect one for you. You can also have a nice ice-skating experience. Or visit the Magical Ice Kingdom.
All this blends with a cute Christmas Market selling all type of ornaments and food!
But the funniest place in Winter Wonderland is definitely the German Chalet! Kind of a replica of the Octoberfest spirit with kitsch live german band playing absolutely every type of music. Think beer and sausages, drunken happy people and friendly faces, loud music and wooden deck.
Having myself done the Octoberfest, I recommend this place to any of you whom would like a bite of it!
In conclusion, if you need some Christmas fun and a lot of mulled wine, go to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park! The best place to be for some holiday fun!
Winter Wonderland is the most magical place! Too bad there isn't snow... Let's grab a mulled wine!