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Monday, 19 November 2012

Mayor of Scaredy Cat

You all know my addiction of prohibition style places. Well today I'll post about a place that is not a secret place (due to the queue to get in) but that fills the urge of surprise and speakeasy.

I love how they hid it and how to get in. In fact, that's the most amusing element of this venue.

Have you ever been to The Breakfast Club in Spitalfields? If not, surprise your colleagues or friends by taking them there for after-work drinks. They may seem amused, intrigued or even not really willing to accompany you, but take the risk of looking pushy and insist! Once there, step inside The Breakfast Club, wait for a waiter and ask to see the Mayor. If your guests don't know the place they will be quite puzzled about your enquiry.
The waiter will ask you to follow him till a huge vintage american-style fridge. Ornament, you say? No, no, this is the secret door to The Mayor of Scaredy Cat! The waiter will open it for you, and you'll see a staircase taking you underneath The Breakfast Club. Imagine the face of my friend when the restaurant staff opened the fridge! Priceless!

I love the effect of surprise and the feeling that a hidden place gives. It is like unwrapping a gift. You have no idea what's inside but you are just too exited!

The Breakfst Club
The Mayor of Scaredy Cat (apparently named after a sitcom episode but I couldn't figure out which one) asks you to play along till the end of your visit. When you feel the need to leave (or have a smoke) you'll be asked to take the stairs up but to go out through an other door than the fridge one. You'll find yourself going out by The Breakfast Club toilets! So Breakfast Clubbers won't get suspicious! This is simply brilliant!
The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club

The Fridge !

Enough talking about how to get in/out and let's discuss about the real matter is: COCKTAILS!
From 7pm to 6pm it is Happy Hour! So if you manage to get during this hour you'll be able to enjoy their cocktails at a ridiculous price of 4£. Not to mention that the earlier you get there the most chances you'll have to get a table. Scaredy Cat gets really busy and people are put on hold in the Breakfast Club till someone leaves.
The menu offers a large variety of cocktails for every taste. All made with precision and skill. Some invented, some classics. Always nicely dressed. We ended up having wine when the happy hour ended. Much more better for our wallets! The bar also have "Cat Food", mostly snacks or even weekend brunch.
They played the Cat theme really well, emphasizing on the details.

We really enjoyed the time spend in this lovely basement with nice drinks, nice food and good company. Go there to impress your friends and to have nice quiet drinks. Also suitable for an original date.

12-16 Artillery Lane, E1 7LS
020 707 89 639
Tweeter: @mayorscaredycat

1 comment:

  1. So funny! I will have a look and a bite of cat food ;))


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